Booking Form

All work and no play makes Peyton a dull girl. As a full time computer science engineering student and self-employed web developer, I’m not lacking for the work portion, but having a playdate to look forward to certainly makes my scholarly pursuits much more enjoyable. 

My time is exceptionally limited between school and web design, so my dalliances in the demimonde are purely part time endeavours. I recommend pre-booking with as much notice as possible, but I do require a minimum of 72-96 hours notice during the school semester for all serious inquirers. Preference will always go to extended dates over shorter trysts, but I enjoy both when time allows.

I do not respond to initial inquiries that do not include their attached screening information. To make the process as simple as possible, my booking form below will collect all the information I need, and you can be assured that it is only my eyes that will see it. You are welcome to send me the same information directly via email to the address listed below the form.



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